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Feed & Library

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Feed & Library

To find any book or story published on our service, just head to our library. You’ll find a wide range of content there, conveniently sorted by popularity, so you can quickly discover what other readers are enjoying.
Alternatively, you can open the feed to see the latest publications from your friends, along with the most relevant recent publications. This is a great way to stay updated on new stories and discover fresh content that might interest you.
These features make it easy to find engaging books and stories while keeping you connected with your friends’ latest work and the broader community of writers. So go ahead and explore! You’re sure to find something that catches your eye.


In our library, you can use filters to search for books by tag, publication date, genre, and author.
To apply these filters, just click the corresponding button to the right of the search bar. This allows you to narrow down your search and quickly find the books that match your interests. You can combine multiple filters to refine your results further, helping you discover exactly what you’re looking for.
These filtering options make it easy to navigate our extensive library, whether you’re in the mood for a specific genre, curious about new releases, or want to find works by a favorite author. It’s a fast and efficient way to explore our collection and find your next great read.

Feed formation

You can open the feed to see the latest publications from your friends, along with the most relevant recent publications. This is a great way to stay updated on new stories and discover fresh content that might interest you.


On publications, you can see user reactions such as comments and likes, which can help you find interesting content more easily. These reactions give you a sense of what others are enjoying and can guide you toward popular or engaging publications.
You can also leave your own reactions by giving a like or dislike. Your reactions will influence the content suggestions you receive in your feed, helping to tailor it to your preferences. This interaction makes it easier to discover stories that align with your tastes and engage with the community by sharing your thoughts and feedback.
Feel free to explore, react, and connect with other users through comments and likes. It’s a great way to find and share stories you love while helping to shape the content that’s suggested to you.


On our platform, you can write and read comments on publications to help you better understand the content and contribute to its quality. This feature makes the platform more interactive and helps foster a community that supports and improves the standard of content.
To leave a comment, click on the comment icon in the content card, or scroll to the end of an open story or book and start typing in the text field provided. It’s a simple way to share your thoughts, ask questions, or give feedback about a particular piece of content.
Your comments can offer valuable insights to authors and other readers, creating a space for discussion and learning. It’s a great way to connect with the community and be part of the ongoing conversation that drives the development of high-quality content on our platform.


Our site is committed to maintaining high-quality content and upholding censorship standards. If you come across any book or story that contains objectionable content—such as the promotion of violence, drugs, or other things that violate our guidelines—you can file a complaint. Each complaint is reviewed by our moderation team and will be addressed accordingly.
Users who repeatedly violate our rules will face restrictions, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.
If you need to report content, look for the “Report” button or option, usually found near the story or book in question. Our team will investigate and take appropriate action based on the complaint’s merits. By participating in this process, you help keep our platform a safe space for all users. Your feedback is crucial to ensuring the quality and safety of our community.


You can share publications and author profiles with your friends by clicking on the share button. This action copies a link to your clipboard, making it easy to share via any social network or messaging app you prefer.
It’s a simple way to spread the word about interesting stories, books, or authors you think others would enjoy. Just paste the link into your chat, email, or social media post, and your friends will be able to check out the content for themselves.
Sharing is a great way to connect with others over the content you love and to help support authors and publications that you find interesting. So go ahead and share what you like—you never know who else might find it just as fascinating as you do!