Get Started


To fully use the application, the user is recommended to register.
An unregistered user has a limited ability to view content, and also does not have the ability to publish his own content.
1. To register, the user can click the “Register” button, or “Continue with Google” or “Continue with Apple”.
2. In case of registration after clicking the “Register” button, the user must confirm his email.
3. An email will be sent to you with a confirmation code. The resulting code should be entered in the appropriate field.
4. If the code does not arrive by email, you can resend it. It is also recommended to check the entered email and, if there is a discrepancy, correct it.
5. When registering using email, the next step is to create a password for your account. (To register with Google or Apple, this step is skipped)
6. After this, the user must enter minimal information about himself to get started.
7. If all the data is valid, the user will be successfully registered and will be able to use all the functionality of the application.


If the user has already completed the registration process, he can log into the application under his account. You can log in using your email and password, as well as using Google and Apple authentication.

Forgot password

If you have forgotten your password, you can restore it. To do this, you need to indicate the email you registered with.

A confirmation code will be sent to your email.

After entering the code, you will be redirected to the password change page.